Ultra Relax Music Piano Background

Powerful meditation script written and set to calming meditation music that is designed to induce deep sleep. This meditation guided for HEALING delivers powerful messages and self-love affirmations, to connect with divine healing at your core.

Connect mind, body, and spirit, easily and effortlessly, as this gentle guided meditation invites you to simply let go and relax. Piano music supports a deep sleep meditation for 3 hours while healing energy permeates you.

Excellent deep sleep meditation: For healing any imbalance, including physical illness, emotional turmoil, anxiety and overthinking, and mental distress. Our recorded healing sleep meditations are free and appropriate for any age, anywhere, any time. 

Even scientists now understand how integrally our minds and bodies are connected. Stress and tension upset the healthy balance of all systems in our bodies. Illness and disease are commonly linked to imbalances in hormones, the immune system, and our ability to naturally overcome disease processes.

So take the reins and just allow this healing sleep meditation to help you regulate and empower your health. Fall asleep fast. Claim the deep healing sleep you need in order to rest and rebalance your body’s own miraculous healing powers. 

During this deep healing sleep meditation your mind and body work together. They know exactly what you need to heal. 

Listen for 30 days to deepen its positive hypnotic effect and fall asleep sooner.

All the Guides here at Meditation Angel wish to assist you in achieving your deepest desires, as well as more peace, vibrancy and love in your life today.

Find this guided meditation script recorded on VIDEO: YouTube @meditationangel9999 and AUDIO: meditationangel.com


This soothing meditation will deliver you into a deep, healing sleep.
You’ll drift off to sleep effortlessly
and your body will do its miraculous healing,
naturally restoring your energy.

Now gently close your eyes,
and soften your muscles.
Relax your jaw,
and your face,
down through your neck
and your shoulders.
Allow your arms and hands to become heavy.

Soften your abdomen,
and your legs,
as well as all the muscles in your ankles
and feet.

Imagine that an invisible wave of soothing energy
moves from the top of your head
down through your entire body.
it sweeps away tension,
releasing it out the bottom of your feet.
It just disappears.
And only the softness remains,

You’re beginning to feel so very good.
Now repeat this soothing wave,
sweeping out stress
and softening even more.

Draw your attention to your breathing.
And next time you exhale,
focus on completely emptying your lungs,
releasing any tension that might have remained there.

When you exhale fully,
pushing out that extra last bit,
you’re making room for abundant fresh air,
and your lungs will fill with even more cleansing energy.

So exhale fully,
telling your body to let go of tension,
and release stress.
Then inhale, to cleanse and refresh.
Now just breathe naturally.

And relax even more,
as your breathing slows.
You have nowhere to go.
And nothing else to do.
This is your own time, for deep rest and healing.

So choose to let go completely
as you settle into your most comfortable position
for a good night’s sleep.

Allow your whole body to melt into the surface beneath you.
And just follow my voice
as I guide you through a series of suggestions
for deeper and deeper relaxation.
As you listen, allow everything else to become a blur.

When you choose to simply let go,
your body and mind will flow into a quiet river of peace,
soothing you,
and filling you with energy
that is comforting,
and deeply healing.

You will drift off to sleep
while you shift into a sense of calm
and relaxation.
This time is just yours.

Allow yourself to become immersed in this transition,
into true peace of mind.

If you notice any bizzy thoughts,
simply observe them,
like butterflies.
And allow them to flutter away
into the open air.
Just watch them move on.

Allow those thoughts to float away effortlessly
so your mind is clear,
drifting further into peaceful sleep.

Your heartbeat slows
and your breathing becomes lighter.
With each breath, your sense of relaxation deepens.

Now imagine that the soft gold light of the setting sun
is gently warming your face,
your head and neck,
And your entire body.

The light is so natural and soothing.
You welcome this golden energy,
as it penetrates your skin
and warms your body.
It feels amazing.
And with each breath, you draw it in deeper.

Still rhythmically breathing in.
And breathing out.
Relaxing even more.
Going deeper
and deeper.
You feel the warm light softening your organs,
and all your cells.

It feels so deeply comforting.
You just want to linger here
in this beautiful golden glow.
As you breathe it in
and breathe it out,
you feel a wondrous sense of wellbeing.

You want even more of this serene feeling,
this inner peace,
of mind and spirit.
It’s so relaxing.

Each breath deepens your sense of calm
and peace,
as you allow the warm light to penetrate and soothe you.
It feels so wonderfully natural
and effortless.
Notice that this peaceful energy now transports you
to drift and dream.

Still breathing in.
And breathing out.
With every breath in,
your relaxation doubles.

Your body feels heavy
and fully supported,
sinking further into complete comfort.
Allow this feeling to deepen even more,
As the light fills every muscle,
and organ,
and every cell in your body.

This beautiful warm light is completely calming you,
and comforting you.
With each breath,
it fills you with divine grace.
Your whole body feels so heavy,
and deeply relaxed.

You now receive the lovely warmth of gratitude
and happiness.

Peace saturates you.
Allow yourself to fully enjoy this feeling,
this deep level of letting go.
Every night can be a wonderful transition to this peaceful place,
for healing.

Open your heart and embrace this serenity.
This state is your divine right.
You can choose this whenever you wish.
So now just let your mind drift,
float and dream,
completely detaching,
and allowing your subconscious mind
to enjoy this beautiful feeling of peace.

You now rise to a higher state of being,
a place where your spirit can expand,
and you can tap into all the gifts that are deep within you.

Your gifts always reside there,
waiting for you to let go of your thoughts,
to open your heart,
and to connect with your divine purpose.
Give thanks for your unique and special gifts.

Your inner source of empowerment,
and joy.
These feelings are always available to you,
simply by taking a few moments for yourself,
and tapping into your own boundless spirit.

You feel amazing,
As you connect with your inner powers
knowing with confidence
that you can always access this healing peace,
anywhere and any time you choose.

The core of your mind and body
are designed to rebalance
and restore.
Your subconscious mind has always held incredible healing powers.
When you connect at this level,
on a regular basis,
you strengthen your own wondrous healing abilities.

This is universal law.
What you think and believe becomes true for you,
consciously and subconsciously.

So choose loving, peaceful thoughts.
And open your heart
to connect with your divine self.
Embrace the healing energy of love.

You are safe
and ready for the renewal of every cell,
every organ
and every system of your body,
to regenerate and heal.
Breathe in this divine energy.

Allow your true loving self to shine through
from that warm inner glow,
and from that higher state of being.

Each breath continues to fill every cell of your body
with divine light
and healing energy.
It penetrates your entire being
at the deepest levels.

As you integrate this deep comfort,
peace, and stillness,
your body’s healing abilities become more powerful.

You can always direct your mind and body
to achieve deep healing,
simply by letting go completely,
opening your heart,
and feeling the powerful healing energy
of divine love.
Healing is the natural order of all living things.

As you rest and drift away to sleep,
your subconscious mind
and every cell in your body
are empowered to do their miraculous healing
to restore your optimal health
and vibrant energy.

So open up
and welcome this universal flow
of healing energy.
It is your birthright
and it waits for you
to accept it fully,
at any age,
and starting from any state of health.

With each breath,
you deepen this healing.

Now with your tranquil mind
and loving heart,
invite this healing energy
to penetrate every part of you.
Miraculous healing energy knows exactly what you need,
and where you need it.
You simply invite it in.

Healing energy is yours,
simply by allowing.
Every breath you take
deepens its effects,
and aligns you with the universal energy of love.

Healing love is yours.
You are now calmer,
and freer,
feeling so very peaceful and relaxed.

Deep restorative sleep is your highest state for healing,
and you fully embrace it now.
Your mind and spirit are open
and ready to receive these messages
at the deepest levels,
to accept vibrant health
and happiness.

These are your rights by birth,
by your very existence.
You allow this divine loving energy
to go directly where healing is needed.

And you trust that the wisdom of the universe
directs healing to you,
for your highest good.
Deeper and deeper you go,
into peaceful sleep.

Still breathing gratitude,
embracing even deeper healing,
at the most receptive levels,
into every cell,
every system of your body.

Divine healing energy permeates your being,
your body,
and your spirit.

You drift further down,
further into serenity,
sliding into deeply transformative sleep.
as loving energy heals you,
flowing through you.
And you feel just amazing.

So calm
and tranquil.
You welcome this soothing rest
and healing.

You claim the peace that fills you.
It is yours,
simply by your willingness to receive it.
Letting go is such a relief.

You are now open to deep healing.
With this loving energy,
your subconscious mind heals you
as you sleep.

Your connection with divine peace is now deeper.
And you trust that as you sleep,
loving energy flows directly to heal you,
and restore your vitality.

You drift even deeper down,
into serenely healing sleep.
Now you will hear a series of affirmations
which you may repeat silently.

Or as you sleep,
they will soak into your subconscious mind.
And with repeated listening
they become true for you.
Your divine self already knows these affirmations as truth.

So you claim them for yourself,
and for your life.

Beginning of Affirmations for Healing

My mind and body are now tranquil and peaceful.
I embrace deep relaxation.

The powers of restorative sleep are mine.
I am ready to accept excellent health.
Healing is my divine birthright.
I claim it now.
I feel better every day.

My mind is a powerful bridge to healing.
I truly want optimal health and vitality.
And I believe I can have them.
My body knows exactly what it needs to heal.

I make healthy choices that support it.
My body and mind work together.
My thoughts create my reality.

Excellent health is a manifestation of my beliefs.
I believe that improved health and energy are mine.
I am completely ready to embrace vitality.

I know that gratitude is a divine path to abundance.
I am grateful for my healing and higher energy..
I actively forgive myself, and others.

I choose to feel grateful for everything in my life.
Gratitude is a powerful healer,
and it feels just wonderful.

I let go of judgments.
And I release negative thoughts.
They do not serve to heal me.
Healing is the natural outcome
of forgiveness, gratitude, and love.
I embrace the healing power of love.

I am deeply committed to loving kindness
towards myself and others.
I make conscious choices to forgive and to love,
especially when it’s difficult to do so.
The first step is to forgive and love myself.
I remember to do that, every day.

I know that loving myself first is the foundation
of good health and happiness.
I choose my thoughts caringly.
And I focus on loving kindness.

I release all thoughts that do not align with love.
My top priority is to be healthy, happy, and whole.
Every day is a chance to heal myself.

I heal through divine energy.
I am on a clear path towards greater peace.
I like taking care of myself.
I am becoming more of what I want to be.
I am connecting with my purpose.

When I heal myself, I also help heal others.
And I am one with others.

End of Affirmations for Healing

(END of Meditation Script: Deep Sleep Meditation Guided for HEALING)

ABOUT Meditation Angel & Meditation Scripts

Any time you desire an energy shift, our Meditation Angel Guides will lead you into a more peaceful and restorative state. Meditation Angel is dedicated to delivering the most compassionate guided meditation scripts – physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Choose from short 3 minute meditations, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, and up to 3 hours guided meditations, some with affirmations or visualizations. Each meditation script has been recorded by several different Guides. Discover the voice which resonates with you.

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