Relaxing Sleep Music to Fall Asleep Fast

Meditation script delivers a deep sleep meditation, guided talk down for relaxing, with sleep meditation music. This unique script will put you to sleep fast and deeply, with affirmations for anxiety relief, relaxation and positive energy. 

Find this recorded guided meditation with beautiful relaxing music on video: YouTube @meditationangel9999 and audio:

Its deep sleep meditation music has been produced to make you sleepy sooner and deliver positive energy for more restful and rejuvenating sleep, so you stay asleep longer. 

During your sleep, absorb these positive affirmations for self-love and healing. Awake refreshed and feeling great, ready for the day ahead. 

Listening for 30 days will deepen its hypnotic positive effect. 

All the Guides here at Meditation Angel (YouTube: @meditationangel9999) wish to assist you in achieving your deepest desires, as well as more peace, vibrancy and love in your life today.

MEDITATION SCRIPT Deep Sleep Meditation Guided TALK DOWN:

We’re here to shift you into a lovely
peaceful sleep.
The last thing you hear before sleep
feeds the emotions you feel while you dream.

You want to feel complete relaxation
and inner peace.
So let’s fill you with messages of well-being
and harmony.
Messages that release stress
and open your heart.

And during your sleep
your subconscious mind
will absorb these contented feelings.
You will rest deeply
and you will recover
emotionally, physically.

Then at the right time
you will awaken refreshed
and ready for a wonderful new day ahead.

So now it’s time to turn off
all thoughts of the day
and let’s settle in
as you listen to my voice
and let go
preparing for the deep sleep that you dearly desire.

With your eyes gently closed
purposefully set your intention
as you repeat after me
I deserve a peaceful night’s sleep.

I am ready to relax and rest.
I enjoy this transition to sleepiness.
It feels so good to let go.
I am grateful for this time each night.
I now allow my thoughts and energy to shift.
I am safe and comfortable.

I submit to relaxation
and divine healing energy.
I open my heart to receive it.

Divine healing energy flows through my mind, my body.
I am open and ready to shift
To receive peace.
To rest fully

Now, with your heart and mind
Willing and ready
you’ll completely relax all your muscles.
And quiet your thoughts

As you listen to my voice
And allow me to guide you.

I’ll ease you into a gentle
peaceful sleep.
So now just let yourself go.

Release any tension in your muscles.
All the muscles in your face
and your head
and neck.

Your shoulders.
Allow your arms and hands to relax.
And with your next exhale
release all the air from your lungs.

Push it all out.
So your next inhale
allows you to take in a very deep breath
with lots of new oxygen
renewing all your cells.

Exhale fully again
as you imagine that you’re releasing all stress from your body.
That’s right.

Just let it all rush out.
You certainly don’t want to hold it in.
And then just breathe naturally
growing sleepier with each breath.

Now relax all the muscles in your hips and legs.
And your feet.

Allow yourself to let go of the day completely.
It is over.
You are now here,
free from all the busy-ness.

Free from all the activities.
This is your safe place to relax.
It is now your time to simply rest.
It’s just you and me
here and now.

You feel your body sinking further into the surface beneath you.
You choose to let your mind drift.

Starting to float
with contentment
and feeling heavier

You envision divine energy surrounding your body
Cradling you.
An aura of peace.

This divine energy is also inside you
moving throughout your entire body
Like a wave that cleanses and refreshes
as it flows through you
and around you.

This wave brings healing light into you.
It glows within you.
A soothing, warm glow.
It feels so very nurturing.

Like the perfect bathtub.
You float.
And the water slides over every part of your body
every inch of your skin
and it resonates with the water inside your body.

They are in harmony
as you drift even further
feeling so relaxed and soothed.
Calming waves
perfectly warm and gentle.

You are happy to lie still
and feel so lulled by this warm silky flow of energy
that Is all around you
and within you.

Even as your mind drifts deeper
and embraces this oneness
with divine energy.
The contentment you feel
with your open heart.

In this safe cradle.
As you sink further into rest and sleep
you feel these truths with your whole heart.

(AFFIRMATIONS – Deep Sleep Meditation Guided TALK DOWN)

Beginning of Affirmations – Deep Sleep Meditation Guided TALK DOWN

I am loved.
I am open to receive love.
I am loving.
I am open to give love.

Giving love to others is a gift I give myself.
The love I give is always returned to me

Giving love is a powerful way to love myself.
I love myself exactly as I am.
I am a unique and special person.

I have special gifts.
My unique gifts are an important part of my divine purpose.
I often see opportunities to help others.

When I help others, I am helping myself.
We are all connected
in the divine energy that flows through me now
and also flows through all others.

This energy of peace and contentment
that now glows inside of me
like the air we breathe.
This energy is the life force of love
and I invite it in
to heal my body.

Every muscle and organ
every cell
aligns with this healing energy.
It floods my heart
as my breath and my heart sync
in rhythm.

As this energy pulses and flows
with the abundance of the universe
all things are freely available to me
right here and right now.

All I do is open my heart and ask.
In this divine energy of love
all things are possible
as I open my heart
to loving myself
loving others.

This infinite energy is more powerful
more beautiful
than any feeling my mind and body can produce alone.

And now I simply ask to be filled
with this love.
with the truth
that all is possible
when I know it in my heart.

When I intend it
and believe it
and when I trust that it is true.

And now I place myself
in this loving divine space
where I feel deep gratitude
for all that I am
and all that I have.

And I trust in the infinite power
of the love that fills me now.
So peaceful
and complete
in this moment.

I am content
to shift further
to drift deeper.
I am at peace
and all is well.

End of Affirmations for Healing

(END of Meditation Script: Deep Sleep Meditation Guided TALK DOWN )

ABOUT Meditation Angel & Meditation Scripts

Any time you desire an energy shift, our Meditation Angel Guides will lead you into a more peaceful and restorative state. Meditation Angel is dedicated to delivering the most compassionate guided meditation scripts – physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Choose from quick 3 minute meditations, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, and up to 3 hour guided meditations, some with affirmations or visualizations.

Each meditation script has been recorded by several different Guides. Discover the voice which resonates with you. 

©MeditationAngel and @meditationangel9999 All Rights Reserved.