15 Min Guided Meditation Law of Attraction

This guided meditation script was inspired for a truly great meditation for manifesting. The meditation will relax you, and directly connect you with powerful universal energy and the Law of Attraction. 

Simply allow these supportive messages to open your heart for the manifestation of your desires. By visualizing, focusing, and really feeling your heart’s dearest desires, you will naturally attract them in unexpected ways that will surprise you. 

Expect tangible results when you fully engage your heart and listen regularly to this guided meditation for manifesting!

Listening for 30 days will deepen its hypnotic positive effect.

All the Guides here at Meditation Angel wish to assist you in achieving your deepest desires, as well as more peace, vibrancy and love in your life today. 

Find this guided meditation script recorded on VIDEO: YouTube @meditationangel9999 and AUDIO: meditationangel.com

GUIDED MEDITATION SCRIPT: Great Meditation for Manifesting – Law of Attraction

This great meditation will help you visualize and manifest your heart’s desire.

By repeating this practice, you will create your new reality with clearer vision, feelings, and beliefs.

You will become a powerful magnet for it.
That’s a law of universal energy.

First, we will relax you completely,
and elevate you to a higher frequency for manifesting.

Begin by settling into a comfortable position. Either sitting, or lying down.

Relax into the surface beneath you.
Soften your gaze.

Elongate your spine, as it feels right for your body.
Relax your neck and shoulders.

Allow your hands to rest softly in a place that’s comfortable for you.

Sink further into the surface beneath you.
When you feel grounded and ready, gently close your eyes.

Settle in by breathing mindfully.

Notice the effortless flow of your breath, as you breathe in,
and as you breathe out.

Soften your belly as you breathe,
and let your breath flow naturally.

Follow the rhythm of your breath.
Now bring your attention to your feet.

And imagine that from below you, a beautiful warm golden light enters the bottom of your feet.

You enjoy this feeling.
The warm light is both relaxing and invigorating.

Now it flows from your feet, up into your ankles,
then slowly moves up into your calves and knees.

Imagine it continuing to flow up your body.
Feel its warmth in your hips and pelvis.
So relaxing.

Now into your belly
and through all the muscles around your abdomen.
And rising up your spine,
bringing relaxation into your chest.

As it flows up, it floods you with fresh energy, with renewed possibilities.

Feel the glow expand and soften your heart space.

Spend a moment enjoying this warmth in your heart.
Allow your heart to open and expand.

Now the light flows out through your shoulders.
It flows down your arms.
Through your elbows and wrists.

All the way to your fingertips.
Invite this warm golden light into your neck.
Into your face.

Your entire head.
Ease any tension and free your mind.
You feel light, spacious, and open.

Your entire body is now flooded with this relaxing warm light.
Deepening your sense of ease, openness, and wellbeing.

You are now open and ready to manifest your heart’s desire.
The light has renewed you, and you enjoy its fresh energy.

Allow your attention to move back into your heart.
Breathe through your heart.
Breathe in.
And breathe out.

Expand your heart with each breath.
Feel love and joy and hope increase with every breath.

Breathe in to nourish your heart.
Now ask yourself,
What is my heart’s dearest desire?
Go deeper.

What is my heart’s dearest desire?
Now rest in silence for a few moments as you observe what arises.
Keep your heart open to receive your innermost desires.

Connect with insights that are rooted in compassion, wisdom, and in love.
Connect with your divine purpose.
And ask again,
What is my heart’s dearest desire?

When you have a clear image of your heart’s desire, visualize yourself interacting with it.
What are you doing?
How do you feel?

Take a moment to explore it with all your senses.
Exactly what or whom do you see?

Focus on these images.
Notice all the colors.
All the details.
And what sounds or voices do you hear?
Are they familiar, or are they new?
How does this make you feel?

In your mind’s eye, reach out and touch this experience.
Immerse yourself in this experience of your heart’s desire.
Imprint on your heart and mind all these sensations and feelings.

Do you feel a new part of you come alive?
Allow new levels of confidence, peace and love move through your body, pause 1.5sec
as you live out your dreams.

Continue to breathe in new energy.
Feel your breath flowing through your heart now.
Send love through your heart to this vision.
Love is the key to universal energy.

Open your heart even more,
to manifest infinite possibilities,
to receive your heart’s desire.
For a few more moments, continue to embrace with love your heart’s desire.

Continue to play this movie in your mind’s eye,
and in your heart.
Slowly now,
allow this image to fade into your subconscious mind.

Now place your awareness on your connection to the surface beneath you.
Before you open your eyes, reaffirm the visualization of your heart’s desire by repeating silently. pause 1.5sec
I believe that my dreams will become true for me.

Breathe this into your heart.
I believe that my dreams will become true for me.
And again.
I believe that my dreams will become true for me.

Release this into your future reality, as if releasing a dove into flight, into the sky, to freedom.

Now smile, and trust the power of divine energy.
Know that your heartfelt vision will, indeed, manifest for you.

Repeat this practice every day, to increase the divine energy that manifests your vision.
It is yours by feeling it and claiming it.

When you are ready, open your eyes, with a full heart.

(END of Guided Meditation Script – Great Meditation for Manifesting)

ABOUT Meditation Angel & Guided Meditation Scripts

Any time you desire an energy shift, our Meditation Angel Guides will lead you into a more peaceful and restorative state. Meditation Angel is dedicated to delivering the most compassionate guided meditation scripts – physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Choose from short 3 minute meditations, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, and up to 3 hour guided meditations, some with affirmations or visualizations.

Each guided meditation script has been recorded by several different Guides. Discover the voice which resonates with you. 

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