Sarah’s Life-Changing Experience and Higher Calling

In need of guided meditation script for an emotional lift, or relief from physical pain? One of our friends had a life-changing experience of healing through vibrational energy that led her into the healing profession. Now she teaches others how to do the same.

Sarah was dealing with all kinds of physical pain and emotional exhaustion. While she constantly felt exhausted, she also couldn’t sleep. They call it, “Tired & Wired.”  She became addicted to painkillers and sleeping pills.

Sarah was depressed and craved sugary foods. Her energy was up and down, her moods were all over the place, completely unpredictable. In her own words, she was “a mess.”

Then one day, Sarah hit the wall. Her suicidal thoughts wouldn’t go away. Curled up in a ball, sobbing, she literally called out for help.

All alone, her calls were to the Universe. To a higher energy that she had never seen, and had never felt.  That’s when Sarah had a profound experience. It was an epiphany.

She was filled with a sense of peace and unconditional love that she had never experienced before. It was a spiritually transformative experience, and in that moment, everything changed for her.

Suddenly, Sarah felt a sense of calm wash over and through her. She felt a profound inner ‘knowing’ that everything was going to be okay.

She tells her clients, “A crystal clear vision of this truth rocked me to my core. I knew for certain that all of my pain would heal. With the infinite power of spiritual energy, I knew that I no longer needed to carry that pain.” 

She began a regular practice of meditation and prayer. And she began to have experiences that showed her that everything is made of energy.

Whenever she tapped into it, Sarah could feel the powerful universal life force energy flowing through her body. 

Sarah’s spiritual intuition started to teach her that her higher purpose was to use this experience and this knowledge to help heal herself, and help heal others.

The Science Behind Vibrational Energy and Its Healing Power

After centuries of spiritual experiences throughout the ages, this higher life force energy is now proven by physics, and it’s real. A concrete example in the physical realm involves tuning forks that entrain to the same vibration.  

When two tuning forks are brought close to each other, the vibration of one fork will cause the other to match its frequency and vibrate as well.

This is called entrainment. If energy is continually supplied to the first fork, the second will continue to vibrate. 

Entrainment can also be observed in nature, such as with the synchronization of crickets chirping, frogs ribbiting, and fireflies flashing. When we change our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual vibration, we actually elevate our state of being.

We have access to the higher vibrations of our spirit guides, which are present everywhere in the universe. 

And if we know how to bring it in, we can heal ourselves, and others. It’s a state of consciousness that anyone can access.

Accessing Higher Vibrational States for Self-Healing and Transformation

Anyone can access this vibration. We need to get out of the way of our past conditioning, and the emotional pain that’s been stuck in our bodies. We need to release false, destructive thoughts and emotions.  

When we release old habits and beliefs that don’t serve us, amazing information and energy are available to us. We don’t need healing. We need to remove what’s disturbing our natural state of being, which is a state of health, peace, and high energy.

This energy is freely available everywhere. Accessing it is simple. And it can be easy, if you’re ready. Simply let go, and allow. You can heal your body, your emotions, your thoughts.

Healing is all about accessing higher and higher vibrational energy that is present everywhere in the universe. It’s the vibration of spiritual, unconditional love. 

We can let go of past thoughts and bring this higher vibrational energy into ourselves, to heal any imbalance, any condition, whether it’s physical, mental, emotional.

Even past traumas. Past wounds. These are the energy drainers that weigh us down and create illness. When we release the illness and tune into higher vibrational states, we can heal ourselves.

The amazing information and understanding that’s revealed to us is exactly what enables us to begin the healing process. And we can choose how often, and how much, we want to tune in and heal. We get to choose.

Transmitting Healing Energies to Others: The Power of Unconditional Love

We can actually transmit these healing energies to others, changing their state of being. It takes letting go of limiting beliefs and getting out of the way of our mental and emotional conditioning.

It takes releasing destructive thoughts and emotions, and replacing them with the higher vibration of spiritual love, with loving kindness towards ourselves and others. 

Meditate to Achieve Higher Vibrational States

Here is an example of a short and simple guided meditation script that begins to open your heart, and connect you with higher vibrations, the life force of the universe.

Short Guided Meditation Script for Higher Vibrational Frequency

If you’re willing, gently close your eyes and begin to notice your inner experience. Soften your gaze and take a deep breath in through your nose, feeling your lower belly expand.

Exhale slowly through your mouth, letting out any tension and stress. Continue to breathe deeply and slowly, focusing your attention on the natural flow of your breath.

Notice how your body begins to relax with each exhale, releasing any tension or discomfort. You are safe here, and there’s nothing for you to do.

Just allow yourself to be present in this moment. If any thoughts, feelings or sensations arise, simply observe them with non-judgmental awareness.

You may notice colors, shapes or images appear in your mind’s eye. Allow them to come and go without attachment.

If your body wants to move, feel free to adjust or stretch in any way that feels comfortable. If you experience any discomfort or pain, just breathe into that sensation and observe it with curiosity and compassion.

Remember, everything is simply energy coming up and moving out, making room for the healing energy of the universe.

In a moment, we will begin a silent period, For an infusion of healing energy. Your spirit guides are here with you, working on your behalf to infuse you with their loving, rejuvenating energy.

Simply relax and allow this healing energy to flow through you, releasing any blocks or resistance. When it’s time to come back, you’ll hear my voice.


Now slowly, mindfully, take your time as you return to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and your toes, deepen your breathing, and gradually become aware of the sounds and sensations around you.

When you feel ready, very slowly open your eyes and allow the light to come back in.

Take a moment to notice any changes in how you feel. Maybe you feel more calm and centered, or more energized and motivated.

Whatever your experience, honor it and trust that it’s exactly what you need right now. When you feel ready, you may gently stand up and continue with your day.


More Meditations – Free and Available Anytime

This guided meditation script is just a short sample of the type of meditation experience you will enjoy when you tune into @MeditationAngel9999 guided meditations that are free on YouTube.

You can choose guided meditations for morning, evening, sleep, manifesting, releasing anxiety, and many more. Several different Guides lead you to release stress and limiting beliefs, and profoundly raise your vibrational energy. Or relax and fall asleep with calming, soothing messages that let you drift off peacefully.

Try Meditation Angel’s YouTube channel to access your spirit Guides and tap into your higher energy states any time.

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