15 Minute Guided Meditation for Positive Energy

Best positive meditation in the morning! 15 minute guided meditation for positive energy throughout your day. 

Allow the power of early morning meditation and affirmations to be magnets for manifesting the great things you want in your life. Discover how this guided meditation script for positive energy can help you become more productive, creative, and successful. 

Unlock the potential of your inner self in this easy-to-follow guided meditation script! All in 15 minutes! 

Listening for 30 days will deepen its hypnotic positive effect, and last throughout your day.

All the Guides here at Meditation Angel wish to assist you in achieving your deepest desires, as well as more peace, vibrancy and love in your life today. 

Find this guided meditation script recorded on VIDEO: YouTube @meditationangel9999 and AUDIO: meditationangel.com

GUIDED MEDITATION SCRIPT: Meditation in the Morning for Positive Energy 

And again. Exhale fully.
Then inhale. Long, slow, and deep.
Breath is abundant divine energy.
Now breathe at your own pace and depth, as you anchor yourself in this very moment.

Follow your breath in and out during a few moments of silence.
As you continue to follow your breath, open your mind and your heart.
Allow these loving affirmations to permeate your being.
You want divine peace to be yours. And it is.

Divine love and peace are your birthright.
You may repeat these affirmations as you claim them for yourself.

AFFIRMATIONS for Positive Energy

I am grateful for another day.
Every day is an opportunity to learn and grow.

I am open to new ideas and new people.
People are placed in my path for a divine purpose.

I love to give to others.
I am here to be truly helpful.
I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do.

When I ask, I receive divine direction.
I trust this divine guidance.
I have a divine purpose.

Every day, I have many opportunities to fulfill my divine purpose.

My heart is open to give and receive.
When I love first, love floods my life.

I attract that which I give.
Happiness is a choice.
I choose to be happy.
I love growing older and wiser.

Peace is the result of letting go.
When I let go of expectations, I receive in unexpected ways.
I cherish the love I share with others.

I am worthy of being loved deeply.
I love myself, even the parts of myself that I may wish to change.

Change is possible in an instant, as quickly as I change my thoughts.
I choose to be happy.
What I focus on expands.

Gratitude is a gift I give myself.
I am beautiful inside and out.
Beauty is the love of god.

Divine love flows to me, and flows through me.
I am happy in this moment.
I see divine love in everyone I meet.

In this moment, I set judgment aside, and I choose to see miracles in progress.
We are all here to evolve, in our own unique way.

I do not know another’s unique experiences, challenges, or hardships.
It is my divine purpose to offer loving kindness to all who cross my path.

Every day I ask to be loving. To myself, and to others.
Love is the universal language.
I love and accept myself, just as I am.

I love and respect others, just as they are.
I understand that it is not my place to try to change anyone else.

I forgive and let go of thoughts that aren’t in alignment with love.
I may not understand another person’s actions, and yet I still choose loving kindness.

When I choose to allow love to flow through me, I receive the gift of peace.
Peace is my divine right.
I seek the love and peace of God over all else.

I trust that others are placed in my path for our mutual benefit.

When I feel disconnected from love, I remember to choose forgiveness.

Forgiveness is the path to loving myself and others.

Forgiveness is the path to the peace of god.
I forgive myself.
I forgive others. Those whom I know, and those whom I do not yet know.

I ask others for forgiveness.
When others don’t forgive, I choose to stay connected to God’s love.

Each day offers me new ways to connect with others, through loving kindness.
When others don’t act with loving kindness, I choose to stay connected to god’s love. 

Every day, I grow in god’s love.
This is my divine purpose.
I choose to think, feel, and believe in the power of god’s love.

God’s love heals all wounds.
Today, I claim God’s love as my guiding light.
I feel vibrant and fully alive in this connection with my divine purpose.

I seek to understand the divine purpose in all that I do, all that I think, and all that I feel.
When I connect with my divine purpose, I grow and evolve.

I welcome all new opportunities to grow and evolve.
You are a magnificent being, with unlimited possibilities ahead of you.
Now gently prepare to reconnect with your conscious self.

When you are ready, place your awareness on the surface beneath you.
Feel the physical sensations of your breath, and your body.
Know that you can bring divine peace with you.

And you can call upon your divine connection, any time at all.

Now at your own pace, open your eyes,
move your body,
and awaken to the beautiful day ahead.

(END of Guided Meditation Script – Meditation in the Morning for Positive Energy)

ABOUT Meditation Angel & Guided Meditation Scripts

Any time you desire an energy shift, our Meditation Angel Guides will lead you into a more peaceful and restorative state. Meditation Angel is dedicated to delivering the most compassionate guided meditation scripts – physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Choose from short 3 minute meditations, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, and up to 3 hour guided meditations, some with affirmations or visualizations.

Each meditation script has been recorded by several different Guides. Discover the voice which resonates with you.

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