Guided Visualization | Release Stress

Struggling to sleep? This guided meditation script is for a 15 Minute Guided Meditation. Relaxation is effortless. It will shift your energy. You can drift off and enjoy a good night’s sleep through a deeply calming visualization. 

All the Guides’ soothing voices help you release stress and connect with the peace that is always deep within you.

All the Guides here at Meditation Angel wish to assist you in achieving your deepest desires, as well as more peace, vibrancy and love in your life today. 

Find this guided meditation script recorded on VIDEO: YouTube @meditationangel9999 and AUDIO:

GUIDED MEDITATION SCRIPT: 15 Minute Guided Meditation Relaxation and Visualization for DEEP SLEEP

This guided meditation will help you release all stress and tension.And relax your body and mind into a dreamy sense of ease,
as you sink into a restful sleep.

Begin by lying down in a comfortable position.
Feel your whole body resting on the surface beneath you.
Close your eyes gently.
Soften your jaw,
and all the muscles in your face.

Allow that softness to spread. To your neck,
and your shoulders.
Now flex and relax your hands.

Flex and relax your ankles and feet.
And notice how much more comfortable you feel,
as your entire body is supported so completely.
You have nothing else to do.

Nothing else to think about.
This time is yours,
to rest and rejuvenate.
Allow yourself to enjoy this very important self-care.

You deserve full rest
and relaxation.
So claim it now.
It is yours.
Fully embrace it.

Place your attention on your breath.
Naturally flowing in.
And naturally flowing out.

For a few breaths, just follow the effortless pattern of breathing in, and breathing out.
This miraculous flow of air,
in and out,
is a gift to you in every moment.

It replenishes your energy,
in every cell of your body.
Just take a moment now to feel your lungs expand
as you breathe in,
and fall as you breathe out.

Connect with a sense of appreciation
for this divine gift of life.
So smooth
and supportive.

Allow the natural flow of your breath to anchor you in this moment.
If you notice any stray thoughts wander through your mind,
that’s also natural.

Just acknowledge them with patience
and release them.
They don’t serve you now.

Gently come back to focus on your breath.
Knowing that you are comfortable,
and safe in this space,
allow your mind to drift to a beautiful, lush field.

Under a clear sky.
The air is warm and feels so soft on your skin.
You notice the gentle fragrance of nature.
Wildflowers sway in the light breeze.

The scent of Spring surrounds you.
And you feel completely peaceful
in this comforting and supportive spot
that is all your own.

The field is illuminated by the soft yellow and orange glow of the setting sun.

Take a few breaths here, as you allow this place to relax and soothe you even more.
In this field, a nearby tree calls out to you.

You notice that this tree is old,
and seems wise.
It beckons you to rest in the shelter of its strong limbs
and lush shade.

Now visualize yourself moving through the field,
towards this magnificent tree.
When you reach it, you only wish to lie down
and rest beneath it.

You feel its energy ground you,
and protect you.
Imagine that you also feel the presence of a very light translucent energy surrounding you
and the tree.Safe and supportive.

You enjoy this feeling very much.
As you rest beneath this wise old tree,
you feel the warm glow of the setting sun on your skin.
On your face.

The sun’s gentle rays soak into your skin.
And you relax deeper.
Breathe this light into your whole body.
And release even more,
as you continue to breathe naturally.

As you continue to feel comforted.
Notice that this soothing sunlight warms your forehead
and your cheeks.
So peaceful.

Feel all your muscles releasing
and relaxing.
Relaxing more.
You want only to linger here,
to bask in this moment,
allowing only these sensations to cradle you
right here.
Right now.

Notice the warm glow of sunlight flow down your body,
massaging your hips
and legs.

Your body seems to sink further into the surface beneath you.
So comfortable
and fully supported.
Your entire body feels heavy,
and you welcome that.

You allow it to release completely.
With each breath, you release and relax deeper.
Luxurious relaxation.
Now place your attention on your heart.

You feel the beautiful orange warmth of the sun
soaking into your heart.
Soothing your spirit.

Breathe this comforting orange light into your heart.
It expands with each breath.
Your heart is warmed.
You feel amazing.

Now notice that your heart
and your whole body
is gently nourished by the rays of this setting sun.
You treasure these moments,
as you breathe this warm light into your entire body.

As it fills you with divine energy.
As it transforms your energy
and invites you to drift off to sleep.

If anything within your body or mind still needs to be relaxed,
you now release it naturally
as you exhale.
Simply let go of it.Allow it to float away.

This is your time
and your space
for deep comfort
and rest.
It is yours
whenever you wish.

Imagine now that the sun is moving further down the horizon.

The soft air remains warm
and comfortable.
The sky dims
and the colors of the sunset are a joy to behold.

You realize that you are one with the magnificence of this experience.
Your heart is flooded with love.
You feel deeply fulfilled.
So relaxed.
Drifting in this beauty.

Now the sun disappears.
The sky above the field begins to reveal its stars.
This sight captivates you,
as your mind and spirit float into deep rest.

You invite your body to drift toward sleep.
Enjoy the beauty around you.

Transition with the knowledge that when you are ready,
you may release the vision of this tranquil space
under the tree,
and reconnect with the surface beneath you.

Just as comfortable
and peaceful.
Just as relaxed
and restful.
Ready to slide into rejuvenating slumber.

As you sink into sleep,
know that you can always call upon the soft orange glow of the evening sun
to soothe and relax you.

And claim this soothing comfort
with each breath.
Breathe naturally
as you sink further into sleep.

Into this peaceful,
restful sleep
that is yours.
Any time.
Sweet Dreams.

(END of Guided Meditation Script – 15 Minute Guided Meditation Relaxation and DEEP SLEEP)

ABOUT Meditation Angel & Guided Meditation Scripts

Any time you desire an energy shift, our Meditation Angel Guides will lead you into a more peaceful and restorative state. Meditation Angel is dedicated to delivering the most compassionate guided meditation scripts – physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Choose from short 3 minute meditations, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, and up to 3 hour guided meditations, some with affirmations or visualizations.

Each guided meditation script has been recorded by several different Guides. Discover the voice which resonates with you.

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