Affirmations for Healing

Your body knows exactly where healing is needed. Simply relax and allow this deep sleep guided meditation with affirmations for healing to shift your energy to fall asleep. Allow your body to do its miraculous healing job. 

The healing affirmations in this meditation script are powerful. Millions experience the healing power of love through the work and teachings of such luminaries as Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, and Joe Dispenza.

At bedtime you can invite and affirm your own restful, rejuvenating, and healing energy work. Allow the divine powers within you to heal you while you sleep deeply. Meditate and affirm your truth – your oneness with love, vibrant health, and energy.

Check out our recordings of this meditation script in both audio and video (links below). 

Listen for 30 days to deepen its positive hypnotic effect and fall asleep sooner.

All the Guides here at Meditation Angel wish to assist you in achieving your deepest desires, as well as more peace, vibrancy and love in your life today.

Find this guided meditation recorded on video: YouTube @meditationangel9999 and audio:


Please join me as I share the bedtime affirmations for healing
that have helped so many people, throughout their challenges.

The busy day is now over
and it’s time to slow down.
I’m ready to relax my body
and my mind.

I now allow myself to rest
and let it all go.
I claim this time as my own.
It’s my time to restore and heal.

I turn my focus inward
and choose thoughts of self-compassion.
Thoughts of contentment
and peace of mind.

I choose comforting thoughts
and an open heart
aligned with healing energy.
So with my open heart
I set these intentions.

Beginning of Affirmations for Healing

My mind and my body are now relaxed,
and serene.
I submit to deep relaxation.
And the healing power of restorative sleep.

Healing is my divine birthright, and I embrace it fully.
I feel better and better every day.

I am ready for excellent health
feeling renewed and energized.
My mind is a powerful bridge to healing.
I see myself with optimal health and vitality
of body, mind, and spirit.

I hold that vision
And I believe it.
My body knows exactly what it needs to heal.
I make healthy choices that support my healing.

I love and appreciate my body.
My mind and body work together
for healing and optimal health.
My thoughts create my reality.

I choose thoughts and beliefs that manifest good health.
I truly believe that I will manifest vibrant and abundant energy.
I am completely ready to enjoy a healthy, energetic body.

I like being me.
I enjoy taking care of myself.
Every day is an opportunity to heal
and to increase my energy.

I now laugh and love my way to great health.
Every day, I actively forgive myself, and others.
I find ways to feel grateful for everything, and everyone.

Gratitude and forgiveness are powerful healers.
I let go of thoughts that do not serve me.
Health is the out-picturing of a life lived lovingly.

I connect deeply with the healing power of love.
I am dedicated to growing in forgiveness, gratitude, and loving kindness
towards myself and others.

I forgive and love others
especially when it’s not easy.
Loving myself fully is the key to loving others.
I know that love is the basis for all health and happiness.

I am willing and ready to consciously choose loving thoughts and actions.
I release any thoughts that do not support a love-centered life.
Every day, in every way, I am becoming more of what I want to be.

I am fulfilling my divine purpose.
I am loving, healthy, and happy.
I am grateful.

End of Affirmations for Healing

(END of Meditation Script: Deep Sleep Guided Meditation with Affirmations for Healing)

ABOUT Meditation Angel & Meditation Scripts

Any time you desire an energy shift, our Meditation Angel Guides will lead you into a more peaceful and restorative state. Meditation Angel is dedicated to delivering the most compassionate guided meditation scripts – physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Choose from short 3 minute meditations, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, and up to 3 hour guided meditations, some with affirmations or visualizations.

Each meditation script has been recorded by several different Guides. Discover the voice which resonates with you.

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