Relaxing Guided Meditation for Stress RELIEF

You deserve it. Quick stress relief with this 5 Minute Meditation script, guided for relaxing and swift release of stress, overwork, anxiety. 

Treat yourself to a quick but deep guided meditation that’s designed to shed burdens and relax you. Give it a try. Just five minutes will help enormously.

With earbuds, you can do this anywhere. Sitting up or lying down. Inside or outside. At home, or on a bus, train, or plane (as long as you’re not the driver, conductor or pilot!) 

Listening for 30 days, or twice a day, will deepen its hypnotic positive effect.

All the Guides here at Meditation Angel wish to assist you in achieving your deepest desires, as well as more peace, vibrancy and love in your life today. 

Find this guided meditation script recorded on VIDEO: YouTube @meditationangel9999 and AUDIO:

GUIDED MEDITATION SCRIPT: 5 Minute Meditation – Relaxing For Stress Relief

We applaud you for dedicating the next few minutes to self-care.

Gently close your eyes.
And as you exhale, imagine that your busy thoughts, and tensions., are released with your out-breath.

Every time you exhale, feel a deeper release.
Relax more,
as each in-breath expands your heart.
And each out-breath cleanses you.

Now just focus on my voice.
And allow it to guide you
into a deep sense of calm
and peace.

Feel your chest rise and fall,
with every cleansing breath.
And every time you exhale,
you relax even more.
You deserve this time,
just for you,
for your own well-being.

Now notice that a soothing wave of relaxation
is already beginning to flow
through your neck,
and shoulders.

Release those muscles to shift your energy.
You begin to feel heavier,
more at ease.

This peaceful energy flows down your arms,
into your hands.
Your muscles feel softer,
as the relaxing wave flows further down your body,
To your hips,
and your thighs.

They feel warm now, as you sink into comort.
The energy flows down through your knees,
and your ankles.

The wave spreads into your feet.
Even the muscles of your face
feel so much smoother now.
Every exhale relaxes you even more,
deepening your relief,
and inner peace.

Now focus on expanding your heart.
What makes your heart sing?

Bring to mind a feeling of delight,
of joy.
And envision that same loving energy
as another powerful wave,
that flows from the top of your head,
down through your face,
your neck,
and throughout every part of your body,
in every direction,
through every muscle,
and organ,
every cell.

Allow it to soothe you, completely
as loving energy saturates your body,
your heart,
and your entire being.
You feel so calm and relaxed.
You are at peace.

Now begin to resurface,
and connect with your surroundings.
Move gently, and open your eyes.

Allow all your senses to return,
refreshed and re-energized.
And carry these feelings away with you.

(END of Guided Meditation Script – Quick 5 Minute Meditation Relaxing Guided

ABOUT Meditation Angel & Guided Meditation Scripts

Any time you desire an energy shift, our Meditation Angel Guides will lead you into a more peaceful and restorative state. Meditation Angel is dedicated to delivering the most compassionate guided meditation scripts – physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Choose from short 3 minute meditations, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, and up to 3 hour guided meditations, some with affirmations or visualizations.

Each meditation script has been recorded by several different Guides. Discover the voice which resonates with you.

©MeditationAngel and @meditationangel9999 All Rights Reserved.